
Finland schools replace subjects with ‘topics’

Finland is well known as having one of the best, if not the best, education systems in the world. With scores in both literacy and numeracy at the top of the heap, only  Singapore and China outperform Finland in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) rankings, which has caused educators to flock to the … Continue reading Finland schools replace subjects with ‘topics’


Times University Ranking for Middle East and North Africa Planned

The world renowned system for ranking institutions of higher learning across the world, The Times World University Ranking, has just released its latest report for 2014-2015. Not surprisingly, most of the institutions in the top 100 come from the United States, the UK and a few other advanced industrialized nations such as Switzerland, Japan, South … Continue reading Times University Ranking for Middle East and North Africa Planned


Tablets Instead of Teachers? A Powerful Argument for Mobile Learning in Africa

Inspired by the lack of schooling for over 100 million 1st grade students worldwide, the One Laptop Per Child program embarked on an ambitious project to give laptops to illiterate children in remote villages in Ethiopia with little or no instruction, to see if the kids to learn to read all by themselves by experimenting … Continue reading Tablets Instead of Teachers? A Powerful Argument for Mobile Learning in Africa


Cheaper Internet Phones Mean Increased Access For All

Microsoft today unveiled a cheap internet capable Nokia phone for $29 with a 29 hour battery life.  The Nokia 215 comes with pre-loaded apps such as Facebook and Opera Mini Browser. Other functions include a flashlight and radio. The phone has very low specs, but according to Microsoft it is the most affordable internet ready … Continue reading Cheaper Internet Phones Mean Increased Access For All


Silicon Valley backing Educational Technology

A recent article in the New York Times reports that Silicon Valley companies are rapidly expanding their investment in educational technology start ups. Investment has increased 55%, up to 1.87 billion from the year before. Edmodo, Pluralsight, and Remind are some ed tech companies that received large grants from venture capital firms to expand their … Continue reading Silicon Valley backing Educational Technology