Tag Archives: microsoft


Cheaper Internet Phones Mean Increased Access For All

Microsoft today unveiled a cheap internet capable Nokia phone for $29 with a 29 hour battery life.  The Nokia 215 comes with pre-loaded apps such as Facebook and Opera Mini Browser. Other functions include a flashlight and radio. The phone has very low specs, but according to Microsoft it is the most affordable internet ready … Continue reading Cheaper Internet Phones Mean Increased Access For All


The Importance of Saving Dying Languages

Over the last 100 years, around 400 languages (1 every 3 months) has gone extinct and linguists estimate that over 50% of the remaining 6,500 world language will be extinct by the end of the 21st century. UNESCO’s Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger lists 576 language as critically endangered. Currently, the top 10 … Continue reading The Importance of Saving Dying Languages