Tag Archives: middle east


Ednastics Ed Tech Teacher Training Workshops at UOWD

Ednastics is pleased to be delivering a series of teacher training workshops at the Language Studies Center (LSC) of the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD).  The first workshop was held on January 31st The next workshop will be held on March 14th for the LSC instructors.  


Learn English, Connect With the World

The reasons why people learn to speak English as a Second or Additional Language seem pretty obvious, don’t they?  After all, English is one of the most commonly spoken languages and is the lingua franca of the world at this stage. Genna Ash for Study International sums it up in 5 concise points. 1. English … Continue reading Learn English, Connect With the World


Times University Ranking for Middle East and North Africa Planned

The world renowned system for ranking institutions of higher learning across the world, The Times World University Ranking, has just released its latest report for 2014-2015. Not surprisingly, most of the institutions in the top 100 come from the United States, the UK and a few other advanced industrialized nations such as Switzerland, Japan, South … Continue reading Times University Ranking for Middle East and North Africa Planned


Silicon Valley backing Educational Technology

A recent article in the New York Times reports that Silicon Valley companies are rapidly expanding their investment in educational technology start ups. Investment has increased 55%, up to 1.87 billion from the year before. Edmodo, Pluralsight, and Remind are some ed tech companies that received large grants from venture capital firms to expand their … Continue reading Silicon Valley backing Educational Technology